Week 7 and 8: CFD Simulation and Updated Bill of Materials

In the week 7 & 8, I focused on the Bill of Materials and CFD simulation. For the Bill of Materials, I figured out what components to buy such as charge controller, converter, transformer, and batteries. Since the motor from the Bogies team needs a power of 150W and run on DC voltage, it is necessary to have a transformer that can supply an exact power of 150W to the team. The updated Bill of Materials can be seen in Figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Bill of Materials for added components

For the CFD simulation, I was learning how to use the software and how to set up the boundary conditions to get the most accurate result. In the video, it showed my progress on learning CFD simulation. I expect to finish in week 9, so that I can use the result such as drag coefficient, drag force, drag lift, and lift force from CFD simulation to run the FEA. 


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