Week3: Calculation of Solar Position
Week3: Calculation of Solar Position
For this week, my personal task was to understand how to calculate the radiation received by a Photovoltaic (PV) panel and how to calculate the solar position. Based on the amount of radiation, I would be able to decide the angle of solar panel.
There are four main steps to calculate the radiation received by a solar panel. They are direct radiation calculation, adding diffuse radiation, subtracting the cloud effects, and subtracting the shading effects (Francois). From the calculated radiation, I would be able to calculate for the solar position. It was a long calculation process; however, I found other tools such as NOAA’s web page http://rredc.nrel.gov/solar/codesandalgorithms/links.html to run the calculation based on Bird and Hulstrom’s model, Bras model, and Ryan and Stolzenbach’s model. In addition, there are other files from the website allow me to calculate the local times of sunrise, sunset, dawn, etc.
Reference List:
François Xavier Rongère (2017). Alternative Energy Sources, Solar Resource [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from https://sjsu.instructure.com/courses/1240846/files?preview=47749853
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